Rugging Your Horse in Winter

Rugging Your Horse in Winter

Rugging in Winter is a hot topic every year, with a lot of information out there, so we will keep this as simple as possible! 

There are both benefits and drawbacks to rugging horses, such as:

Some benefits include:

  • Prevents your horse from growing a long Winter coat
  • Can help to prevent your horse from dropping weight, as they don't need to burn extra energy trying to keep warm
  • Helps to keep them clean
  • Keeps their coats smooth and shiny

Some drawbacks include:

  • The possibility of over heating and heat stress
  • Weight gain can be an issue for a horse that is prone to weight related laminitis
  • The necessity of unrugging in the morning and rugging up every day, which could be difficult and time consuming if you do not have easy access to your horse twice a day
  • Rugged horses need to be checked at least once per day to make sure they are not tangled up in their rugs

*Please note, that these guidelines are to be used as a reference only, and you need to take into consideration each individual horse's body weight, age and work load. 



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