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Kelato Muscle Guard

Kelato Muscle Guard

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Aids the horse during and after exercise. Helps to improve stamina and aid recovery by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue.   

What is MuscleGUARD?

MuscleGUARD is an oral paste that provides amino acids, vitamins and potent antioxidants that have a role in maintaining normal muscle and nerve function during and after intense exercise. Supplementation with MuscleGUARD before and after the event can help provide relief from acute muscle soreness and fatigue associated with strenuous exercise.

How does it work?



Low-intensity exercise:

  • Uses oxygen to fuel the energy production process.
  • Glycogen conversion to energy is minimal – carnitine helps to sustain the glycogen reservoir for a longer period.

High-intensity exercise (sprint):

  • Not enough oxygen is inhaled to be used as fuel, so other energy sources power the muscles.
  • High levels of carnitine in the muscle prior to exercise enable higher work output for less energy expenditure.
  • Oral carnitine ingestion can load the muscles with glycogen.
  • Reservoir of carnitine in the muscles ensures all energy sources, such as fatty acids, are used BEFORE glycogen stores are used.
  • The delay in glycogen depletion delays lactic acid production.


  • Present in very high concentrations in equine skeletal muscle fast-twitch fibres, where it aids in buffering the lactic acid produced during glycolysis (breakdown of glucose).


  • L-cysteine is a sulphur-containing amino acid and an important structural and function component of proteins and enzymes.

  • Contributes to the formation of one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – glutathione.


  • Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps the blood vessels to relax and improves circulation.

Dimethylglycine (DMG)

  • Helps increase oxygen uptake in the bloodstream.
  • Increase in oxygen helps to increase stamina, conserve energy and delay the transition from aerobic to anaerobic exercise.
  • By extending the aerobic portion of exercise, DMG lessens the production of lactic acid.


Alpha-lipoic acid

  • Antioxidant that helps to turn glucose into energy.
  • Can also help restore other antioxidants such as vitamins E & C (reactivate them).

Grape seed extract

  • Contains oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), which are known for their potent antioxidant activity.

Alpha-lipoic acid & Grape Seed Extract help to:

  • Neutralise and destroy dangerous by-products of body metabolism (free radicals), which are released during exercise.
  • Delay the onset of fatigue.
  • Reduce recovery time after heavy exercise periods.


B Vitamin Complex

  • B vitamins play a role in energy metabolism and normal nerve and muscle function.

Features & Benefits

  • Improves stamina and endurance by delaying the onset of fatigue.
  • Delays the pain of lactic acid.
  • Reduces recovery times after heavy exercise.
  • Improves and maintains mental alertness for longer.
  • Aids in providing a speedy recovery from tying up.
  • Ideal for travelling – horses unload and are ‘ready to go’!


Each 32g syringe of MuscleGUARD contains:


  • Alpha Lipoic acid 2000mg
  • Grape Seed powder 250mg


  • L-Carnitine 7500mg
  • L-Carnosine 1000mg
  • Dimethylglycine 500mg
  • Arginine 250mg
  • L -Cysteine 250mg

B Vitamins

  • B1 800mg
  • B2 100mg
  • B3 100mg
  • B5 750mg
  • B6 75mg
  • B12 1.2mg

Directions for use

  • Administer half a tube 3 to 4 hours prior to the event and then the remaining half tube immediately post event.
  • MuscleGUARD is applied directly on to the back of the horse’s tongue.
  • Use in accordance with competition rules and regulations.

MuscleGUARD is for relief on the day of the event to help recovery and performance. For horses with mild symptoms or symptoms that disappear within a few days, MuscleGUARD alone should be sufficient. Horses with persistent and ongoing muscle soreness require both LoosenUP as part of their daily diet, as well as MuscleGUARD on the day of the event. 

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